Are there any advantages or limitations to using 34 degree clipped head nails?

Here are some key advantages and potential limitations of using 34 degree clipped head nails:


Increased holding power

The angled clips provide greater resistance to pull-out compared to smooth shank nails.

Reduced splitting

The clips displace and compress wood fibers, helping reduce the chance of splitting in softer woods.

Easier driving

Can be driven directly into lumber without pre-drilling in many applications.

Top-down only driving

The clips make these only suitable for driving from the top down into lumber.

No surface marring

The recessed clip avoids marring finished wood surfaces like flooring.

Potential Limitations:

Not for hardwoods

The clips are more likely to split hardwoods like oak. Smooth or spiral nails recommended.

Unsuitable for metal connections

The clips do not grip or provide pull-out resistance in metal framing or connections.

Hand driving difficult

Not easy to hand drive compared to smooth shank. A nail gun is recommended.

Not for thin materials

The clip angle means these won’t work for very thin wood under 3/4″ thick.

No clinching

The head shape does not allow clinching or bending over the nails.

So in summary, the holding power can be useful but the nails have some specific applications where they would not be suitable due to the clipped head design.

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