Knowledge of emergency avoidance


Schools should formulate the “Emergency Plan for Campus Crowded Stampede Accidents” and carry out drills to deal with crowded stampede accidents. When students go up and down the stairs together, there must be teachers on duty to organize and guide them, and they go downstairs one by one in different classes.

In the event of crowding and stampede, clasp your hands and ten fingers together to protect the back of your head and neck; move your elbows forward to protect your temples on both sides, and walk with the flow of people.

When you accidentally fall to the ground, stand up as soon as possible. If you really can’t stand up, cross your fingers and clasp your neck with your hands, protect your head with your arms, bend your knees forward as far as possible, and curl them into a ball to protect the important organs in the chest and abdomen.

Those who are close to the fallen person should shout for help to the crowd behind and tell the rear not to approach forward.

If adults meet a child, they should quickly pick up the child to avoid being trampled on in the confusion.

Fire escape:

In the initial stage of a fire, the fire is not big, and you can use fire extinguishing equipment to extinguish the flames according to the situation; in case of a large fire, keep calm and do not follow the crowds. If the passage is blocked by fireworks, you should turn your back to the direction of the fireworks. Time to call 119 to call the police.

When a fire breaks out, don’t worry about your valuables. You can shout, knock on things, or shake brightly colored clothes on balconies, windows and other places that are easy to be found, and send out a distress signal.

When escaping from a fire, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, and quickly find a safe passage to leave. If you cannot escape from the dormitory, you should close the door tightly, plug the gap in the door with a wet towel or cloth, and wait indoors for help.

In the event of a fire, do not take the elevator to escape, and do not jump off the building blindly.

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